If you ever dreamed of being an inventor,
Love toys,
Are optimistic, curious, and creative,
Find joy and humor in aging,
This is the book for you.
If you ever dreamed of being an inventor,
Love toys,
Are optimistic, curious, and creative,
Find joy and humor in aging,
This is the book for you.

About the Author
101-year-old Eddy Goldfarb is a world-famous toy inventor, best known for inventing the Yakity-Yak (“chattering”) Teeth, Stompers, KerPlunk, Vac-U-Form, Bubble Gun and more than 800 classic toys over his 80-year career as an independent toy inventor. He is a WWII veteran who served in the Navy as a radar technician on the Batfish Submarine, where he invented his first toys. In 2003, Eddy was inducted into the Toy Industry Hall of Fame.
Eddy’s creativity, humor, and optimism fuel his passion for writing stories, precisely 100 words each. These 101 stories, both fiction and non-fiction, share memories and clever observations about life, love, aging, and toys.
- 135 pages
- Genres: Microfiction, Memoir, Toys and Collectables, World War II
- Buy book here. Ebook is available on Amazon.com
A selection of stories from the book.
read story A very early model, this was a battery-operated radio. It was sometime in 1926. I was five years old. It was very exciting. My father tried to make it work, but he finally gave up, and gave the radio to me. It was the best toy I remember. I also couldn’t make it work, but I was able to take some of it apart and learned about some of the parts. I learned what a battery was. I was able to make sparks by bringing the battery wire ends to almost touching. My interest in science took a giant step. May 11, 2017
read story My skipper said “you can’t go to sub school in Key West Florida, I want you here while the radar is being installed. Most of the crew of the Batfish were new and never submerged in a sub were going to school in Florida to train on old R class WWI subs. That week the “R12” sank with all but 3 men lost. The guys were assigned in alphabetical order. A friend’s name started with “H”, he was lost. Years later my wife and I on three occasions started out to visit Key West but turned back for some reason. September 13, 2002
read story When I visit my mother at the Alzheimer Center, I would see them dancing so beautifully and always to the Tennessee Waltz. She is a patient and he really is her husband who visits her every day. Her memory is gone and he doesn’t want to upset her, so on every visit, he introduces himself as a brand new friend and asks her to dance. They always dance to the Tennessee Waltz and they are very good. When asked, she explains he is a new friend, someone she can trust, and he so reminds her of her late dear husband. November 5, 2013
read story Being neat is a wonderful trait. I certainly admire her for that, especially since I am the exact opposite. A most successful and extremely happy relationship can still be had if both parties listen and respect each other’s mishegas.* An extreme example: Before my sweetie leaves home, the entire house must be clean and everything in it’s place. The reason is simple. What if she doesn’t come back, what would people think of her? My reasoning is the opposite. You leave the piles of stuff, so you must come back before anyone has a chance to view your mess. *Mishegas…craziness April 10, 2017